
Personal ChatGPT For Your Team | AICamp

Increase your team's AI adoption with AICamp's collaborative AI Platform. Connect your own OpenAI/Anthropic/Custom API keys for Claude, GPT-4 Gemini, Mistral, Llama, and more. Boost productivity with this affordable ChatGPT alternative

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AICamp Introduction

AICamp: Your Company's Personal AI Platform

AICamp is a collaborative AI platform designed to empower teams to work smarter with Large Language Models (LLMs). It provides a centralized hub for accessing, managing, and collaborating on various AI tools and models, making it easier than ever to integrate AI into your business processes.

Universal Model Compatibility and Contextual Chatting

One of AICamp's key strengths is its universal model compatibility. Users can connect their own API keys to leverage OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini, and other open-source models. This ensures access to the latest AI advancements and allows teams to adapt quickly to evolving technologies. AICamp also enables contextual chatting, allowing users to seamlessly connect their chats to company documents, knowledge bases, and other resources. This feature provides smart and relevant answers tailored to the specific business context, simplifying search and boosting productivity.

Custom AI Assistants and Teamspaces

AICamp empowers teams to build custom AI assistants tailored to specific needs. These assistants can be equipped with custom instructions, access to internal knowledge, and extended capabilities like web search and image generation. For instance, a team could create an HR assistant that answers employee questions based on company policies or a code companion that assists developers with coding tasks. AICamp also offers Teamspaces, private spaces within the company workspace where specific team members can collaborate securely and focus on shared projects. This feature enables organized and efficient teamwork, allowing for the sharing of chats, assistants, and models within a dedicated space.

Enhanced Chat Capabilities and Security

AICamp provides Extensions that enhance chat functionalities. Users can configure settings to enable or disable features like RAG-style web search and image generation, giving them control over their AI experience. Additionally, AICamp allows for the integration of custom-built plugins, further expanding the possibilities for chat customization. Security is a top priority for AICamp. The platform is GDPR-compliant and is in the process of obtaining ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Type 2 certifications, demonstrating its commitment to secure data management. AICamp enforces strict data usage policies, ensuring that user data is not used for retraining models and remains private. Users can also set custom data retention periods, giving them control over their data's lifespan.

Pricing and Target Customers

AICamp offers flexible pricing plans to suit different needs. The Basic plan is free and provides access to essential features for individual users. The Team plan, priced at $8 per user per month, unlocks additional features like Teamspaces, unlimited AI assistants, and a larger training data capacity, making it ideal for high-performing teams. For enterprise-grade solutions and custom requirements, AICamp offers an Enterprise plan with custom pricing. AICamp caters to a wide range of customers, from individual innovators to large-scale enterprises. Its intuitive design makes it accessible to users with varying levels of AI expertise, enabling anyone to benefit from the power of AI tools.


In summary, AICamp is a comprehensive AI platform that offers universal model compatibility, contextual chatting, custom AI assistants, Teamspaces, enhanced chat capabilities, robust security measures, and flexible pricing. It is a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes looking to streamline their AI adoption, enhance team collaboration, and boost productivity. By providing a centralized hub for AI tools and models, AICamp empowers teams to leverage the full potential of AI and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

AICamp Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is AICamp?

    AICamp is a collaborative AI platform that allows teams to work smarter with Large Language Models (LLMs). It's designed to increase AI adoption within a company by providing a centralized platform for accessing, managing, and collaborating on various AI tools and models.

  • How does AICamp help my team work smarter?

    AICamp helps your team work smarter by providing access to internal knowledge, speeding up workflows, and allowing the building of custom assistants tailored to your specific needs. It centralizes AI tools and models, making it easier to integrate AI into your company's processes.

  • What LLMs and AI providers does AICamp support?

    AICamp supports a wide range of LLMs and AI providers, including OpenAI (including GPT-4 and Gemini), Anthropic (including Claude), Google's Gemini, Mistral, and Llama. It also allows you to connect your own API keys for custom models.

  • Can I use AICamp with my existing OpenAI account?

    Yes, AICamp allows you to integrate your own OpenAI API keys, so you can utilize your existing OpenAI account and models within the platform.

  • What are Teamspaces in AICamp?

    Teamspaces are private workspaces within AICamp that allow for secure and focused collaboration with specific team members. You can organize chats, assistants, and models within a dedicated teamspace.

  • What are AI Assistants in AICamp, and how can they benefit my team?

    AI Assistants in AICamp can be customized to perform specific tasks and roles within your company. You can connect them to internal knowledge sources and enable features like web search and image generation. Examples of assistant use cases include answering HR questions, acting as a code companion, performing data analysis, and creating personas.

  • How does AICamp handle data security and privacy?

    AICamp prioritizes data security and privacy. It is GDPR-compliant, hosted within the EU, and is obtaining ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Type 2 certifications. AICamp enforces strict data usage policies, and models are not retrained with user data. You can also set custom data retention periods.

  • Is AICamp suitable for both AI experts and beginners?

    Yes, AICamp is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for both AI experts and beginners. The platform's simplicity and guidance features make it easy for anyone on the team to benefit from AI tools without needing extensive AI knowledge.

  • What are Extensions in AICamp?

    Extensions in AICamp allow you to extend the capabilities of your chat by enabling or disabling features like RAG-style web search, image generation, or by integrating custom plugins.

  • What pricing plans does AICamp offer?

    AICamp offers a free Basic plan for individual users, a Team plan priced at $8 per user/month for teams, and a custom-priced Enterprise plan for large-scale teams with specific needs.

  • Does AICamp include the cost of API usage?

    No, the cost of API usage is not included in AICamp's pricing. You will need to pay OpenAI, Anthropic, or other providers directly for your API usage.