
AI Code Reviews | CodeRabbit | Try for Free

AI-first pull request reviewer with context-aware feedback, line-by-line code suggestions, and real-time chat.

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CodeRabbit Introduction

Code Review Automation with CodeRabbit

CodeRabbit is an AI-powered code review platform designed to streamline and enhance the code review process for developers and organizations. This comprehensive platform integrates seamlessly with popular platforms like GitHub and GitLab, offering a suite of features that aim to improve code quality, reduce review time, and increase developer productivity.

AI-Driven, Context-Aware Feedback

CodeRabbit sets itself apart with its AI-driven, context-aware feedback system. Unlike traditional static analyzers, CodeRabbit leverages the power of machine learning to provide insightful and relevant code suggestions. By analyzing the codebase and understanding the context of the changes, CodeRabbit delivers line-by-line reviews that are both accurate and actionable.

One of the key advantages of CodeRabbit is its ability to learn from user feedback and configurable instructions. This ensures that the code reviews become increasingly tailored to the specific needs and coding standards of the team. As developers interact with the platform, it continuously improves its analysis and suggestions, resulting in more efficient and effective code reviews over time.

Real-Time Chat and Collaboration

CodeRabbit goes beyond simply providing automated feedback. It also facilitates real-time chat within the review comments, allowing developers to engage in collaborative discussions directly on the platform. This feature proves particularly valuable for clarifying doubts, brainstorming solutions, and fostering a deeper understanding of the codebase among team members.

The real-time chat functionality also extends to interacting with the CodeRabbit AI itself. Developers can ask the AI questions, seek advice on specific code snippets, and even request code generation directly within the chat interface. This interactive approach promotes a more engaging and dynamic code review experience.

Comprehensive Reports and Insights

Beyond individual code reviews, CodeRabbit provides comprehensive reports and insights that offer a broader view of the codebase health and team performance. These reports include pull request summaries, sequence diagrams, linear and Jira issue validation, and even auto-generated release notes, daily standup reports, and sprint reviews.

By aggregating data from various sources, including static analyzers, linters, security tools, and its own AI analysis, CodeRabbit presents a holistic picture of the codebase, highlighting potential issues, tracking progress, and enabling data-driven decisions for improved software development workflows.

Security, Privacy, and Compliance

CodeRabbit prioritizes the security and privacy of user data. All data transmitted to and from the platform is SSL encrypted, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential. Additionally, CodeRabbit is SOC2 Type II certified, adhering to rigorous industry standards for data security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

To further enhance data security, CodeRabbit offers users the option to opt out of data storage. This means that users can choose to have their code and review data not stored on CodeRabbit's servers, providing an additional layer of control and privacy.

Flexible Pricing for Diverse Needs

CodeRabbit offers flexible pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs of individuals and organizations. The free plan provides basic features like PR summarization for unlimited public and private repositories. The Pro plan unlocks more advanced features like line-by-line reviews, AI chat, and customizable reports, while the Enterprise plan offers tailored solutions for large organizations, including self-hosting options and dedicated support.

CodeRabbit also demonstrates its commitment to open source by offering its Pro plan free of charge for open-source projects. This initiative highlights the platform's dedication to supporting the open-source community and fostering innovation in software development.


CodeRabbit presents a compelling solution for teams looking to automate and enhance their code review process. Its AI-driven approach, combined with its comprehensive features, aims to improve code quality, reduce review time, and foster collaboration among developers. With its focus on security, privacy, and flexible pricing, CodeRabbit has the potential to become an indispensable tool for modern software development workflows.

CodeRabbit Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is CodeRabbit?

    CodeRabbit is an AI-powered code review platform that helps development teams enhance code quality and streamline the review process.

  • How does CodeRabbit work?

    CodeRabbit uses advanced language models and AI to analyze code changes, identify potential issues, and provide line-by-line feedback, similar to having an AI-powered code reviewer.

  • What programming languages does CodeRabbit support?

    CodeRabbit supports all programming languages.

  • What are the key features of CodeRabbit?

    Key features include line-by-line code reviews, one-click fixes, real-time chat for code advice and issue creation, automated reports (like pull request summaries and release notes), integration with static analyzers and security tools, and a strong emphasis on security, privacy, and compliance.

  • How does CodeRabbit ensure the security and privacy of my code?

    CodeRabbit keeps your data confidential, using it solely to fine-tune your reviews. They offer data storage opt-out and ensure data encryption and compliance with standards like SOC2 Type II.

  • Does CodeRabbit integrate with GitHub and GitLab?

    Yes, CodeRabbit offers 2-click signup via GitHub and GitLab and is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing workflows on these platforms.

  • What are the benefits of using CodeRabbit for code reviews?

    Benefits include reduced code review time, fewer bugs, improved code quality, faster development cycles, and more efficient use of developer time.

  • Is there a free trial available for CodeRabbit?

    Yes, CodeRabbit offers a 7-day free trial for their Pro plan.

  • What are the different pricing plans for CodeRabbit?

    CodeRabbit offers Free, Pro, and Enterprise plans. Pricing details are available on their website.

  • Is CodeRabbit suitable for open-source projects?

    Yes, CodeRabbit's Pro plan is free for open-source projects.