All-in-one web workspace
Manage the whole design process from ideation to execution in one place. Deliver websites faster, increase your profits, and work creatively as a team.

Scene Introduction
Scene is an all-in-one web workspace that streamlines the design process from ideation to launch. It features Muse, an AI assistant that aids in refining website briefs, conducting competitor research, auto-generating wireframes, and writing web copy. Scene promotes visual co-creation, enabling teams and clients to collaborate seamlessly, brainstorm ideas, and provide feedback within a unified environment. Its adaptable blocks allow for multi-screen design, and one-click publishing ensures design fidelity. Scene offers a free Starter plan with limited features and an unlimited Pro plan with additional functionalities like version history and Webflow export. A paid Site plan provides hosting on a custom domain with transparent pricing based on unique visits.
Scene Use Cases
Web designers seeking to streamline their workflow
Teams collaborating on web design projects
Clients looking to actively participate in the design process
Businesses and individuals needing to create professional websites
Core features of Scene
AI-powered design assistant (Muse)
Visual co-creation tools
Adaptable blocks for multi-screen design
One-click publishing
Webflow export (coming soon)
Integrated tracking layer in blocks
Free Starter and paid Pro plans
Custom domain hosting with Site plan
Scene Frequently Asked Questions
Is Scene really free?
Right now, Scene is totally free. We're going to introduce paid plans from October 2024, but there will always be a freemium version, so you can keep using Scene at no cost. <br><br>Scene allows free website publishing and hosting if you're happy to use a Scene subdomain. The paid website plans allow you to add your own custom domain.
How can I secure early adopter pricing?
Everyone who signs up before October 1, 2024, will be eligible for early adopter pricing on Premium plan. You’ll receive an email notification when it launches.<br><br>Early adopters' Pro access will be €29 per month and will provide unlimited access to our proprietary Muse AI assistant and all other features.
How different is Muse AI assistant from other AI-powered tools?
Our proprietary assistant serves as a thinking partner for web designers and marketers engaged in new website projects. It helps you quickly overcome creator's block whenever it happens and takes on the heavy lifting, so you can concentrate on the creative aspects of your work. We've developed it with insights from web designers at every stage.<br> <br>Muse AI can help you with the entire process of building a website, namely:<br> <ul><li>Create briefs & wireframes</li><li>Research the competition</li><li>Write & re-write content</li><li>Anything else worth asking</li></ul>
What are the details of Scene's hosting (Site plan)?
Our paid hosting plan, offering premium service with no compromises, utilizes AWS Global CDN for super-fast loading and TwicPics for optimal image and video performance. Our goal is complete transparency for both you and your clients, which is why we've chosen unique visits as the sole metric. This ensures your site looks great and runs smoothly everywhere.
Can I host my website somewhere else?
We're working on adding exports to static files and Webflow, and you can expect these features to drop this summer. This means you'll be able to migrate your site for custom tweaks or archive it in your cloud storage if you decide to wrap things up.
Users who use Scene
Web designers
Design agencies
Project managers
Businesses of all sizes