SiteGPT - Make AI your expert customer support agent

It's like having ChatGPT specifically for your products. Instantly answer your visitors' questions with a personalized chatbot trained on your website content.

Screenshot for SiteGPT - Make AI your expert customer support agent

SiteGPT Introduction

SiteGPT is an innovative AI-powered customer support solution that acts as a personalized chatbot for websites. Trained on a website's content, SiteGPT provides visitors with instant and accurate answers to their questions, simulating the experience of having a dedicated ChatGPT for your brand.

Key Features of SiteGPT

SiteGPT distinguishes itself through its unique features designed to enhance user experience and streamline customer support:

Personalized Chatbot

  • Function: SiteGPT builds a custom chatbot trained on your website's content, ensuring that all responses are consistent with your brand's voice and information.
  • Advantage: This provides users with accurate and on-brand information, eliminating the need for generic, pre-trained chatbots that may provide inaccurate or irrelevant information.
  • Example: A user inquiring about a specific product feature on your website will receive a detailed response directly sourced from your content, ensuring accuracy and consistency.

Quick Prompts

  • Function: SiteGPT allows you to set up quick prompts that help users initiate conversations with the chatbot.
  • Advantage: This feature helps guide users to relevant information and encourages interaction with the chatbot.
  • Example: You can set up quick prompts like "What are your pricing plans?" or "How does the free trial work?" to address common user queries proactively.

Email Summaries

  • Function: SiteGPT provides daily email summaries of chatbot interactions, keeping you informed about user engagement and common queries.
  • Advantage: This feature helps you understand user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and track the chatbot's performance.
  • Example: The email summaries can highlight frequently asked questions, allowing you to update your website content or FAQ section for better clarity.

Escalate to Human

  • Function: SiteGPT allows for seamless escalation to a human support agent when necessary.
  • Advantage: While SiteGPT can handle many inquiries, some situations require a human touch. This feature ensures a smooth transition for a better customer experience.
  • Example: If a user's query involves a complex issue or requires personalized assistance, they can easily connect with a human agent through the chatbot interface.

Collect Leads

  • Function: SiteGPT can capture leads by collecting information from interested visitors during their interactions.
  • Advantage: This feature transforms customer support into a lead generation tool, allowing you to nurture potential customers.
  • Example: If a user inquires about a specific product or service, SiteGPT can collect their contact information for follow-up by the sales team.


  • Function: SiteGPT can process natural language commands and trigger in-app actions, automating tasks based on user interactions.
  • Advantage: This feature enhances the chatbot's functionality, allowing it to perform actions beyond providing information.
  • Example: A user can request to reset their password through the chatbot, and SiteGPT can initiate the password reset process within the app.


SiteGPT seamlessly integrates with popular customer support platforms like Crisp, Intercom, and Zendesk, enhancing your existing workflow and centralizing customer interactions.


SiteGPT offers flexible pricing plans to suit businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. The pricing is based on the number of chatbots, messages per month, training web pages, file uploads, and additional features like API access, integrations, and priority support.

Target Audience

SiteGPT caters to a wide range of businesses looking to automate and enhance their customer support operations. Its key target customers include:

  • Ecommerce businesses: Provide instant answers to product-related queries, offer personalized recommendations, and streamline the checkout process.
  • SaaS companies: Offer 24/7 support, guide users through onboarding, and automate responses to technical questions.
  • Healthcare providers: Answer frequently asked questions about services, schedule appointments, and provide patients with relevant information.


SiteGPT is a comprehensive AI-powered customer support solution that leverages the power of personalized chatbots to enhance user experience, streamline support operations, and generate leads. Its intuitive interface, advanced features, and seamless integrations make it an ideal tool for businesses of all sizes looking to elevate their customer support to the next level.

SiteGPT Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SiteGPT?

    SiteGPT is an AI-powered customer support chatbot that's trained on your website content to instantly answer visitor questions.

  • How does SiteGPT work?

    You provide your website URL or upload relevant files, SiteGPT scans and trains on this data, and then answers user questions based on this information.

  • What kind of content can I use to train SiteGPT?

    You can use website links, sitemaps, Zendesk Help Center links, Gitbook links, or upload CSV, TXT, PDF, DOCX, PPTX, and MD files.

  • How long does it take to train SiteGPT?

    Training time depends on the amount of content, but it usually takes a few minutes.

  • Can I integrate SiteGPT with other tools?

    Yes, SiteGPT integrates with platforms like Crisp, Intercom, and Zendesk.

  • What are the pricing plans for SiteGPT?

    SiteGPT offers Starter, Growth, Scale, and Enterprise plans, each with different features and pricing.

  • Is there a free trial available?

    Yes, SiteGPT offers a 7-day free trial.

  • Can I try SiteGPT before signing up?

    Yes, you can try a live demo on the SiteGPT website.

  • What if I need more support or have specific questions?

    You can contact SiteGPT's support team via email at [email protected].

  • Does SiteGPT offer an agency plan?

    Yes, contact SiteGPT for more information about their agency plan.

  • Can I customize the appearance of the SiteGPT chatbot?

    Yes, you can remove SiteGPT branding as an add-on to your plan.