Best Software as a Service (SaaS) AI Tools

Plainly - Automate video creation

Plainly - Automate video creation

Plainly is a cloud-based video automation software that enables users to generate thousands of videos from data. Users can create templates in Adobe After Effects, connect their data to Plainly, and automatically render and distribute unique videos. Plainly offers various solutions, including a video editing API, Google Sheets integration, personalized videos, and text-to-video conversion. The platform caters to various industries like digital publishing, creative agencies, software companies, and real estate.
Deepshot - Dialouge generation made simple

Deepshot - Dialouge generation made simple

Deepshot is a dialogue generation and replacement software that empowers users to create professional-quality videos effortlessly. The software utilizes artificial intelligence to generate synchronized audio and video, eliminating the need for extensive filming and post-production. Deepshot offers a range of features, including dialogue translation, content creation, creative testing, content correction, and onboarding/training video production. Its intuitive user profiles and powerful shot editing tools make it suitable for a variety of use cases and target audiences.
YCloud | Market, Sell & Support with WhatsApp Chatbot & CRM platform

YCloud | Market, Sell & Support with WhatsApp Chatbot & CRM platform

YCloud is a comprehensive WhatsApp business solution that empowers companies to enhance their marketing, sales, and customer support efforts through WhatsApp. The platform offers tools for leveraging the WhatsApp Business API, including chatbot automation and CRM integration.


Nowadays is an AI-powered corporate event planning platform that simplifies the process of organizing events. It acts as an in-house event planner, handling venue sourcing, negotiation, and other logistical tasks while considering the company's specific requirements and preferences. The platform leverages AI to automate tasks such as venue search and quote negotiation, saving time and money for its users.